Thursday, April 14, 2016

Weakness Cycle

Now that the Open is over & it’s back to normal training, I decided I should do something about my lack of gymnastic skills i.e. chest to bar pull ups, toes to bar, muscle ups, pull ups, handstand push ups, bar muscle ups - I honestly feel like they’ve gotten worse instead of better. One of my problems is practicing; I just don’t enjoy doing those movements so I tend to ignore them . . . until they come up mid-wod & then I get frustrated that they aren’t easier for me. Annoying, right? I totally agree. As you can tell, gymnastics isn’t fun for me the way lifting is. I get excited for barbell movements & strength training, I don’t get excited for bodyweight movements; I dread them actually - so I think it’s time to man up & pull my shit together. Spending more time on my weakest movements will only make me a better athlete in the long run.

ENTER Skill Wod.

I decided to take the jump & sign up for this training cycle which helps those that are lacking in gymnastic & bodyweight movements. It requires a $10/month fee & it’s 3 days a week (Monday, Wednesday & Friday). Each day focuses on a different movement, i.e. muscle up transitions on Monday, handstand push up progressions on Wednesday & chest to bar pull up work on Friday. Each day I’m given an extended warm up, technique training, skills testing & a strength accessory. The specific category I chose was Original:

“The main track is for the established CrossFitter or Fitness enthusiast that has a base level of core stabilization and strict strength and can apply it to a skill. They can do strict, kipping pull ups, a Ring or Bar Muscle up and can hold a descent handstand. The goal here is to progress to a competency level that allows for athletes to do 30 chest to bar pull ups and 10+ Ring muscle ups in a row. This is the meat and potatoes of movement for CrossFitters. You want to be great at bodyweight movement, to show an ability to be constant, persistent and chase perfect technique on your way to 20 muscle ups in a row.” – Skill Wod

Out of the 4 categories this one fit me the best because I have gymnastic movements, I just don’t execute them efficiently or effectively. I'd rather have a barbell in my hands. 

The hard part of starting this Skill Wod is that it’s added on top of my regular training in one night so my evening hours at the box have increased. I’ve also had to adjust my regular misfit training to keep up with the Skill Wod. For example the other night the Skill Wod had me doing a shit ton of muscle up transitions/skill work & then a metcon of muscle ups to end the night; the next day, misfit training had us doing a metcon with approximately 30 muscle ups, so I’m getting hit twice in 2 days with the same movement which is a lot for my hands & my upper body. I decided to focus on my weaknesses training & move certain misfit wods around, if I need to, in order to stay on course. Sometimes it’s a struggle to get everything done & I’m exhausted by the time I get home, but I’m hoping that this extra work will pay off.

My daily struggle to keep my hands healthy has multiplied now with all of the extra gymnastics that I’m doing. I never have a day of training when my hands don’t hurt but I’ve always had issues with my hands because I tend to rip easily. I’ve increased my bag balm application at night & Aquaphor throughout the day. Fingers crossed.

I’m really looking for this Skill Wod to give me the tools I need to improve my most dreaded crossfit movements, but only time will tell. Time and a lot of practice.

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Thursday, April 7, 2016

Annual Kick In The Ass

It’s tax season people which means it’s my most dreaded time of the year. Who’s right there with me??? I’m normally not a negative person - I’ve always been one of those “the glass is half full” kind of people, but there’s just something about taxes that gets me s-t-r-e-s-s-e-d out. I can always keep my positive thinking up until mid-April telling myself, “This is my year! Here we go! You got this!” Then the filing process begins & I get royally screwed.

My strategy this year was to use Turbo Tax & file on my own, simple and painless. No need to sit for hours at a small cubicle in the back of Sears with an H&R Block representative when I can be in my apartment on my comfy couch. So this past Sunday I created my online account and answered some standard questions – I must say that Turbo Tax has become very user friendly, I was feeling very confident through my filing process. Then the moment of truth came when I reached the “What you owe” screen. Yep, I was given the middle finger yet again. I took a deep breath before completely losing my shit & clicked on the “How was this figure calculated” button. There it was in black, red & white – my total amount due. I felt like I had been kicked in the stomach. I instantly thought, “But that can’t be right?!” (*sigh*) Son of a bitch. Sure – why not? What’s one more year of owing money that I just don’t have?! Complete and utter frustration doesn’t begin to describe how I felt. I was finally at a comfortable place with my expenses and felt like I had a handle on my cash coming in & cash going out. So naturally, when you’ve reached that comfort level….shit just hits the fan because nothing can just run smoothly 24/7. As my Mom likes to sneak in while I’m bitching about my issues, “That’s life.” Well thank you! (insert sarcasm). Yes, I’m aware that’s life, I get it…blah blah blah. That still doesn’t help me or fix my problem!

As much as I would like to sit here & continue my rant, I’ll keep my bitching to a minimum. To wrap things up, I would like to say how  thankful I am for having J next to me on Sunday who had to endure many hours of me yelling, kicking, screaming & tears during this year’s tax filing. You were a bigger help to me than you will ever know – thank you.

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