Friday, December 19, 2014

Body Image

I’ve been posting a lot about food because, well, I love to eat but I think it’s time to mix it up a bit. If you follow me on any social media sites, you know that I’ve posted about this before. I thought I would go into a little more detail now & just get a few things out there that have been bouncing around in my head lately.

Before I found crossfit I was an active/athletic person, I worked out regularly whether it was running, playing basketball, taking spin classes at Gold’s Gym, popping a workout video in at home, etc. I was also very mindful of what I ate, which really wasn’t a whole lot. I thought the less I ate & the more I controlled what I put in my mouth the more weight I would lose. This did help for a while considering I was wearing a size 2 regularly. I had that female mindset of wanting that small waist, small pants size & relying on the scale to determine my mood for the day– if it showed me a steady 135 lbs. it was going to be a good day. I was also an extremely picky eater; if it wasn’t in my small category of food groups I wouldn’t eat it – most vegetables (yuck), meat (yuck). I ate chicken here & there but I would have spurts of becoming a vegetarian & then falling off the wagon after inhaling a cheeseburger. I was all over the place. If I could’ve eaten junk food & candy all day, I probably would’ve & made myself completely sick in the process. Obviously these eating habits took a toll on my working out & having the energy to do so.

ENTER crossfit.

I still remember my first class with my friend, Kateri. We showed up at 6:00 p.m. at Capital Crossfit in Loudoun & the “WOD” (what the hell does that mean?) was 50 Power Cleans (135/95) for time. I had no idea what a Power Clean was but I had already told myself that there was no way I could do 50 of them before the class was over, so I told myself to just do the best I could. We met the coach, went through the warm up & demonstration on a proper Power Clean. I scaled the weight to 80# because 95# seemed terrifying to me – meanwhile that 50 reps was haunting me. I kept asking myself, “Who can do 50 of these?? There is just no way. This is crazy. Why am I here?? I don’t even like to lift. Great idea, Danielle. Why can’t we run??”

The coach gave us the countdown – 3, 2, 1 & then started the timer. I did one rep at a time & they were u-g-l-y ….“You ain’t got no alibi – you ugly. Yeah, yeah you ugly!” Sorry, just had to. Getting back to the reps - not only were they ugly but they were painful. I was either hitting my collar bone with the bar, one of my wrists wouldn’t flip under the bar to land the Clean, and one rep I actually hit myself in the chin with the bar. Yep, I was in hell. 50 reps of hell. To make matters worse, the coach had announced during the WOD that “Everyone will finish their 50 reps, I don’t care if it takes you all night, you aren’t leaving here until you’ve finished.” At that moment Kateri & I looked at each other with exhausted & shocked expressions. She then pointed at me & said, “This was all your idea.” She was right, this was my idea – the worst idea that I’ve ever had.

Believe it or not, Kateri & I finished that WOD before the 7:00 class started. I don’t remember our exact times but we were the last 2 people in the class to finish. Our bodies were bruised, our hands were red, raw & blistered & we looked completely exhausted - then our post-WOD euphoria set in – we felt strong, confident & proud of ourselves for making it out alive. We went back the next day & became members. =)

Since starting crossfit my body has made some serious changes. In the beginning I was more of the bodyweight crossfitter, weights weren’t all that appealing to me & I didn’t really care how much I could Clean, Jerk, Squat, Snatch or Deadlift. I just wanted to kill the cardio WODs.

Kateri & I.

My first crossfit competition.

ENTER competitions.

After switching gears from a crossfitter to a crossfit competitor my body changed again. I felt like I had a good balance of cardio & lean muscle. I was putting up average weights but nothing extremely impressive. I was happy with my body image during this phase. There wasn’t a WOD that I would do without taking my shirt off, it became a staple in my training. It’s true what they say, working out will give you confidence. I had also started seeing a sports nutritionist to help with this life change. I wanted to eat & fuel my body properly in order to perform.

Raleigh Superfit competition.

Jenn & I training at the box.

ENTER weights & protein shakes.

After finding crossfit competitions & having them become a regular part of my weekends, my body changed again. I wanted to lift more & started to care about PRing & seeing how far I could push my body. My eating habits changed, I eat more than I have ever eaten before & I'm always hungry. I’m thicker than I was & not so lean, my shoulders are broader, my thighs are bigger & my back is wider. I have all the signs that point to lifting weights.

Training at the box.

Post-WOD selfie.

Richmond Superfit competition.

Most days I like my body, especially those days when I’m PRing my Squat Clean, Snatch, etc. But I still have those days, even now, where I daydream about that leaner body image & wishing I had it. I think those days come more often when my clothes are fitting snug & I’m refusing to go up a size because dammit I want that size 4, I don’t want to move up to a 6! It’s that female mindset creeping in & trying to tell me that women aren’t supposed to look like I do. I should be smaller, more slender, more “womanly” – what the hell does that even mean?? I’ve had my fair share of run-ins with people who feel the need to negatively comment on my figure. I’ll be the first person to say that lifting isn’t for everyone, but don’t knock it just because it’s not for you. Accept that everyone’s different & that everyone has their own interests. Accept it & move on.

I’ve come to the realization that I’ll probably always daydream about that leaner body image but if being a little thicker, a little more broad shouldered & a little bigger in the thighs means that I get to lift….& lift heavier weights - I’m perfectly fine with that. Lifting makes me happy. It makes me feel powerful. It makes me feel confident. It makes me feel strong. So remember to do what you love & what makes you happy – everything else will fall into place. =)

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Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Fit Snacks

Since it’s that time of year where snacking is at an all time high, I thought it would be a good idea
to share some of my favorite snack recipes. I’d like to say that I always prepare these snacks when I’m having a sweet craving or just in the mood for something crunchy, but let’s be honest - sometimes you just need a damn donut. To help stay on track with your nutrition & still feel like you’re indulging in a few things over the holidays, I came up with a list of snacks that I’ve found, prepared & tried myself. Note: I’ll never post a recipe here that I haven’t tried. So, here we go…

Dark Chocolate Rice Cake – I used the caramel rice cakes by Quaker (medium size) & the dark chocolate melting coins used for baking (purchased at Wegmans). It’s amazing how good this snack is. I’ve always been a fan of rice cakes, they were my go-to when I was obsessed with dieting back in the day. I’ve always thought of them as a treat & these definitely taste like a treat.
Ingredients: 2 rice cakes & 3 to 4 dark chocolate melting coins
Step 1: Microwave coins in a glass bowl using 30 second increments (chocolate melts fast – careful not to let it burn).
Step 2: Using a kitchen brush, apply melted chocolate to top of rice cakes, spreading evenly.
Step 3: Set aside & let chocolate harden.

Found on Instagram: @befitsnacks

Banana Bites – I’ve never eaten a banana with anything, I’ve always enjoyed it by itself but now that I’ve tried these, a plain banana will never be the same.
Ingredients: 1 ripe banana, ¼ cup of peanut butter (creamy or crunchy), mini dark chocolate chips
Step 1: Peel & slice the banana into medium size coins.
Step 2: Apply peanut butter to the top of one coin, sprinkle a few chocolate chips on top of the peanut butter & top with another banana coin, creating a sandwich. Tip: I’ve also made these with grated dark chocolate instead of the chips. They’re both awesome.

Found on Instagram: @befitsnacks

Chocolate Chip Strawberries – Strawberries aren’t really in season at the moment and the ones I’ve found lately are a little questionable but this is a good one to try once you find those perfect strawberries.
Ingredients: 3 to 4 strawberries, ¼ cup of peanut butter (creamy), a handful of mini dark chocolate chips.
Step 1: Wash strawberries, cut stem & slice in half (long ways).
Step 2: Apply peanut butter to half of strawberry.
Step 3: Sprinkle chocolate chips & top with other half of strawberry.

Found on Instagram: @healthyfitnessmeals

Apple Slices with a Twist – I love apples so any kind of snack that incorporates them I’m up for trying.
Ingredients: 1 granny smith apple, ¼ cup of peanut butter (creamy), ½ cup of granola (I used organic honey oat granola from Wegmans), ¼ cup of sliced almonds (optional), a handful of mini dark chocolate chips.
Step 1: Wash & core the apple then slice into medium width coins.
Step 2: Spread peanut butter on top of each coin.
Step 3: Sprinkle granola & sliced almonds on top of the peanut butter.
Step 4: Sprinkle mini chocolate chips.

Found on Instagram: @befitsnacks

Yogurt Drops – These are a must try! Greek yogurt is always on my shopping list for the week because I absolutely love it. I tried these with vanilla & strawberry flavors.
Ingredients: Greek yogurt (whichever flavors you like).
Step 1: Prepare a cookie sheet with parchment paper & set aside.
Step 2: Using a plastic baggie, place 3 to 4 spoonfuls of yogurt into the baggie (specifically in one of the corners). Twist baggie at the opening to avoid yogurt escaping. Cut a small to medium hole at the tip of the baggie with kitchen scissors.
Step 3: Make drops of yogurt onto the parchment paper in penny sizes.
Step 4: Place cookie sheet in freezer until frozen. Remove with fork & place in air tight container. Store in freezer at all times, except when snacking. =)

Found on Instagram: @befitsnacks

Happy Snacking!

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Friday, December 12, 2014

Did You Know?

That the following foods help with weight loss:

Spinach – 1 cup contains 7 calories & only 1 gram of carbs. Whether they’re sautéed in eggs, on a sandwich or in a salad, spinach is always a good choice over lettuce. If you’re looking for a quick & awesome Paleo salad, here’s a recipe for you:

1 bag of fresh cut/washed spinach
1 Beefsteak tomato
1 Avocado
1 Lemon
Salt & pepper

Place spinach in a salad bowl, chop the tomato & avocado & combine with the spinach. Cut the lemon in half & squeeze one-half over the contents in the bowl. Sprinkle salt & pepper to taste. Toss until contents are covered evenly.
*This salad is always a go-to for me when I need to bring a dish to a get together & I never have leftovers.

Eggs – High in protein & low in calories. “One study found that overweight women who ate eggs for breakfast lost twice as much weight as women who started their days with bagels.”

Apples – High in fiber & low in calories. You know what they say, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”. I eat at least one a day - just can’t get enough of these.

Avocados – Contain Oleic acid which helps your body stop cravings. Who doesn’t love avocados & their buttery goodness?

Pistachios – A healthier choice than peanuts & they help quench hunger longer.

Broccoli – Less than 30 calories a serving & helps regulate the metabolism & digestive system.

Brown rice – Don’t forget your carbs! “A heartier, fiber-packed alternative to white rice. A half-cup contains 1.7 grams of resistant starch, a healthy carb that boosts metabolism and burns fat.” –

Pine Nuts - There are other options besides almonds. “These have the same heart-healthy fatty acids that quell hunger hormones and burn belly fat. Plus, at only 95 calories for more than 80 nuts, you can enjoy them guilt free.” –

Cheese – “Fresh goat & feta cheese contain fatty acid that helps you feel full and burn more fat. Look for cheeses labeled “grass-fed”, as those will have the highest content of this healthy fat.” Cheese is always the first thing I cut out when I’m trying to eat healthier or cut back, glad to know there are healthier options out there.

Don’t forget to incorporate a cheat meal every now & then. You’ll stay on top of your clean/healthy eating longer knowing that you get to reward yourself. =)

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Monday, December 8, 2014

Stocking Stuffers

As I was putting up my Christmas decorations this weekend, I was thinking about stocking stuffers & which ones would be geared towards athletes. In my family, we’ve always had the tradition of candy being one of our big stocking stuffers, particularly the big movie boxes of candy. Now, obviously, I wouldn’t mind keeping this tradition alive because I love candy (seriously – it’s a big problem) but with everyone trying to eat healthy over the holidays & stay on track with their fitness routines, I thought coming up with a list of gifts that are sensible, motivating & just help with recovery in general would be great for your fitness friend/family member. My list is as follows:

Smart-Temp Ice Pack - I use this daily. After a long training session, I put this on when I go to bed to help with recovery. Sometimes I don’t even wait for bed, I’ll strap it on while I’m making dinner or finishing up laundry. Tip: I bought mine at Wal-Mart.

Tiger Balm - Completely awesome for sore/stiff muscles. Easy on the application process, a little goes a long way – this stuff gets super hot. Tip: Don’t touch eyes, nose or mouth until you’ve washed after application (I know, I know - common sense right?), I made this mistake once!

Rip Fix – This is actually on my wish list this year. I found them on Instagram (@winnies-ripfix) & I’ve been wanting to try it ever since. The before & after photos are pretty amazing, I’m pretty sure you’ll be intrigued once you see them.

Pumice stone – The greatest invention on earth. If you don’t have one of these, you’re missing out. Great for hands & feet. Tip: I bought mine at Target for $1.00 – You’re welcome.

Quest bars – If you follow me on any social media websites, you know how much I love Quest bars. They give me the option of cheating clean, but still satisfy my sweet tooth. If you haven’t tried them before, I highly recommend the Strawberry Cheesecake or Oreo flavors….yum. Tip: If you’re a Vitamine Shoppe club member, they have great sales on these bars regularly.

Working Hands Lotion – I’ve posted about this lotion before back on my previous blog because I was in love with it from the second I bought it. This is another product I use daily – actually, nightly before I go to bed. The great thing about it is that it has no smell & any cuts, splits, blisters, etc. that you have on your hands won’t burn during/after application. They also have foot lotion now. =) Tip: I bought mine at Bed Bath & Beyond.

Gloves – I bought myself a pair of the Athleta “touch screen” gloves a few months ago when the weather started to get cold. The fingertip friendly patches were the big selling point for me. If I was still an avid runner, I would be using these on my runs to make navigating my music much easier. To give you an idea, here’s the link to Lululemon’s Brisk Run Gloves.

Socks – If you’re anything like me, which is a fan of bright colors & funky patterns, I’ve purchased & recommend the following brands: Under Armour & Reebok.

Hopefully the above list gives you some ideas & if you’re still looking for a Christmas gift to buy me, I’ll take any of the above. =)

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Friday, December 5, 2014

Did You Miss Me?

Hello again friends & family. Yes, it’s been waayy too long since my last post on thecoghlans but life gets in the way & you just gotta roll with here I am. As you can see, I’ve decided to go another way & made some changes. My direction for this blog will be geared toward fitness, health, food (because who doesn't love to eat??), crossfit & my everyday silliness. If you followed me previously, I hope you enjoy this blog as much as my last one & remember… Any posting ideas that you have - send them to me! My contact links are to the right so choose one & send away.

It feels good to be back & posting again....time to have some fun. =)

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