Friday, August 28, 2015

CAL - Week 2

This week we competed at Crossfit Impavidus in Ashburn, VA. They had the most insane Grid rig setup and their space is unbelievable. I was speechless when I walked in.

Our workouts for week 2:

Race 1: Team Effort (2 Sector, 12 minute AMRAP)

4 Athletes participate with only 2 Athletes on the floor at a time, with unlimited substitutions. Athletes will complete the required work in sector 1 prior to advancing to the AMRAP in sector 2. Athletes can work up until the 12 minute mark in sector 2 and do not have to cross a finish line or return to the start line to complete the race.  Score is total number of reps completed in sector 2. 

Sector 1:
100 Front Rack Lunges (buy in)
Upper: 165/105
Open: 115/75
Novice: 75/45

Sector 2:
21 Deadlift
Upper: 225/155
Open: 185/115
Novice: 115/75

15 Box Jumps
Upper: 30/24
Open: 24/20
Novice: step-ups, 24/20

9 Handstand push-ups
Upper: Deficit (45+25# plates w/abmat)
Open: abmat
Novice: hand release push-ups

Verity Strong’s Placement: 3rd

Race 2: Double Double (15 minute, 3 sector AMRAP)

4 Athletes participate with only 2 Athletes on the floor at a time, with unlimited substitutions.  At the call race, 2 athletes move into the first sector and begin work (both athletes working at the same time at their station) while the other two athletes remain at the start line. There will be two stations within each sector and the work (number of reps) must be complete at each station before moving on to the next sector (work DOES NOT need to be synchronized).  Once all work is complete in sector 1, athletes move on to sector 2, and so on. Athletes can work up until the 15 minute mark and do not have to cross a finish line or return to the start line to complete the race.  If a team completes all work in all 3 sectors in less than 15 minutes, they will return to the beginning of the AMRAP and continue working until time expires. Score is total reps completed in 15 minutes.

Sector 1:
50 Power Clean/Hang Squat Clean Combo (EACH STATION) total of 100
Upper: 135/95
Open: 95/65
Novice: Power clean + front squat 65/45 (NO Squat cleans for Novice)

Sector 2:
75 Medicine Ball Pull-ups (EACH STATION) total of 150
Upper: 20/14
Open: Pull-ups
Novice: Ring-Rows

Sector 3:
100 Thrusters at (EACH STATION) total of 200
Upper: 135/95
Open: 95/65
Novice: 65/45

Verity Strong’s Placement: 3rd  

After week 2 Verity Strong is in first place overall. Our team was missing 2 members this week due to prior commitments so we had a total of 4 people doing the work above.

Here are a few of my favorite photos from week 2:

24" Box Jumps

Medicine Ball Pullups (14#)

Thrusters (95#)

Getting those last reps in before the time cap.

Are you interested in competing in CAL’s upcoming season? Click here.

Do you want to see how Verity is stacking up each week? Click here.

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