Thursday, September 10, 2015

CAL - Week 3

This week we traveled to Crossfit Critical Mass in Maryland. This was the farthest we’ve traveled, so far, this season.

Our wods for week 3:

Race 1: Team Effort (3 Sector, 12 minute AMRAP)

4 Athletes participate with only 2 Athletes on the floor at a time, with unlimited substitutions.    Athletes will complete the required work in each sector prior to advancing to the next sector.  Athletes can work up until the 12 minute mark in sector 3 and do not have to cross a finish line or return to the start line to complete the race.  If a team completes all work in all 3 sectors in less than 12 minutes, they will return to sector 1 and continue working until time expires.  Score is total number of reps completed in 12 minutes. 

Sector 1:
100 DB snatches
Upper: 65/45
Open: 45/25
Novice: American KB swings: 20/12kg
**No requirement to alternate arms.  Both heads of the DB must touch the ground between reps. Must achieve full lock-out at the top.

Sector 2: 
100 Hang Power Cleans
Upper: 155/105
Open: 115/75
Novice: 65/45

Sector 3:
100 Overhead Squats
Upper: 135/95
Open: 95/65
Novice: Front Squats 65/45

Verity Strong’s placement: 1st

Race 2: Echo (Back to Back 5 min AMRAPs with 2 minutes of rest between)

4 Athletes participate (the same 4 athletes participate in both 5 minute AMRAPs) with only 2 Athletes on the floor at a time, with unlimited substitutions.  The first 5 minute AMRAP will start in sector 1 and work forward.  The second 5 minute AMRAP will begin in sector 3 and work backwards.  Athletes can work up until the 5 minute mark in each AMRAP and do not have to cross a finish line or return to the start line to complete the race.  If a team completes all work in all 3 sectors in less than 5 minutes, they will return to the beginning of the AMRAP (sector 1 for AMRAP 1 and sector 3 for AMRAP 2) and continue working until time expires.  Score is total combined reps for both 5 minute AMRAPs.

Sector 1:
30 Hang Squat snatches
Upper: 135/95
Open: 95/65
Novice: Snatch, 65/45

Sector 2:
60 Shoulder to Overhead
Upper: 135/95
Open: 95/65
Novice: 65/45

Sector 3:
90 Deadlift
Upper: 135/95
Open: 95/65
Novice: 65/45

Verity Strong’s placement: 1st

Verity Strong is in 1st place overall after week 3. Our team did really well on these wods, barbell movements are a strength of ours.

Here are a few of my favorite photos from this week:

Just smiling away 

Chipping away at the Hang Power Cleans (105#)

Overhead Squats (95#)

Our team captain, Vinny, briefing us before Wod 2

 Shoulder to overhead (95#)

Weekly team photo. =)

Photo credits: Phuong Nguyen

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