Wednesday, April 29, 2015


Yesterday afternoon I hit a wall at work & all I was thinking about was that in a few hours I would be at the box lifting & squatting heavy. Just thinking about it was making me tired; I was definitely not feeling it – mentally or physically. My yawning every few minutes had already kicked in & my hips, legs & knees were tired & sore from lifting the night before. Everything was telling me to take a rest day…to go home & lie on the couch, catch up on my recorded shows & just relax. Tuesday is by no means a rest day for me – those are reserved for Thursdays & Sundays. I still had 2 more days to go.

Most of you that are reading this, my parents included, are probably thinking, “Just take a rest day. Your body is trying to tell you something”. In most cases I would agree with you; however, I’ve been working out & training long enough to know when my body needs an extra rest day and when I want a rest day & don’t feel like doing anything. Yesterday was one of those “want” days. Training was the last thing I wanted to do. It didn’t help that it was also a beautiful day in Northern Virginia - the sun was shining, it was warm, birds were chirping, etc.

So on my drive home I was still being totally indecisive & at one point I’d made the decision to go home & told myself to stay firm on that decision, but then I reached the exit that takes me to the box….doubt set in & before I knew it I was taking the exit at the last minute. I was completely annoyed with my choice as soon as I made it, getting more annoyed as I pulled into my parking spot & making the walk inside. I immediately said, “OK fine, you’re here; skip the squats, do some of the lifts & then roll out”. Of course that didn’t happen. As I started rolling out, stretching & running through my warm up, I was quickly in that mind set of completing all of the programming. At the end of my evening & after I had entered all of my results in Wodify this was my view:

For those that aren’t familiar with Wodify, the gold stars resemble a PR for that lift.

So needless to say, I was pleased with the outcome of my training last night. Yes I had moments of feeling unmotivated & not confident but those days are common & will come up. What matters is that you take a deep breath, keep your head up & push through anyway. You’ll never regret the work you put in. It’s the work you don’t do that will haunt you. 

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  1. Man, I'm there more days than I like to admit! Pushing through those mental blocks often times leads to some fantastic results, as you've proven to yourself. I am not sure if you are familiar with the Barbell Shrugged podcast, but they recently interviewed John Broz about lifting heavy everyday. It was fun to listen to!

    -Matt Genkinger

    1. Thanks for sharing, Matt! I read the article associated with the podcast (awesome), but I haven't had a chance to listen to it yet - am definitely going to save for future listening. =)


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