Monday, April 6, 2015

Plan B

As you already know, shit happens. It can come out of nowhere – completely blindsiding you. It can start with a bad day, a bad week, even a bad month. No matter how positive of a person you are, or are trying to be, you’ll always have that one day that you let it all get to you – let it consume you to the point that it takes away from your overall happiness. For me, those are the hardest days to navigate. Trying to stay upbeat & looking toward the bright side of things turns difficult. Reminding yourself that “everything happens for a reason” just doesn’t cut it.

I’ve learned that having an outlet on those overwhelmingly shitty days can be a life saver - whether you like to cook, bake, run, take a long walk, read, etc. Taking that time out & giving your mind a chance to breathe can be good for your overall health in the long run. Crossfit has always been an outlet for me but sometimes it can also add to the stress in my life, especially when competitions come around. Sometimes you just need to take a step back, reevaluate & eliminate one or two things. Believe it or not I do this often.

The reason for this post is to let you know that we all have days & that they will pass. Time will always pass - another day will come. In the meantime, maybe you’re having one of those days &, if so, maybe this quote will help you the same way it helps me:

Plan A is always my first choice.
You know, the one where everything works out to be happily ever after.
But more often than not,
I find myself dealing with the upside-down, inside-out version.
Where nothing goes as it should.
It’s at this point that the real test of my character comes in…
Do I sink or do I swim?
Do I wallow in self-pity & play the victim or simply shift gears & make the best of the situation?
The choice is mine.
After all, life is all about how you handle plan B.”

-Suzy Toronto

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